英文現刊 - 台灣浸信會神學院(Taiwan Baptist Theological Seminary)

  • 114學年招生
  • 2024聖工學士科招生
  • 校園更新網站
  • 支持浸神
  • 校園活動時間表


刊          名 學術性 現刊室
American Baptist Quarterly V
American Journal of Theology & Philosophy V
Asia Journal of Theology V
Baptist History and Heritage V
Biblical Archaeology Review   V
Biblical Theology Bulletin V
Bulletin for Biblical Research V
Chinese Theological Review V
Christian Education Journal V
Christian Scholar's review V
Church History V
Currents in Biblical Research V
Diapason, The   V
Expository Times, The V
Harvard Theological Review V
Hymn, The   V
Hymn Society Bulletin, The   V
International Bulletin of Missionary Research V
Interpretation V
Journal of Ecclesiastical History, The V
Journal of Near Eastern Studies V
Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling, The V
Journal of Psychology & Theology V
Journal of Singing V
Journal of Spiritual Formation & Soul Care V
Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society V
Journal of Theological Studies, The V
Lumen: A Journal of Catholic Studies V
Missiology V
National Central Library Newsletter   V
Near Eastern Archaeology V
New Testament Abstracts V
New Testament Studies V
Old Testament Abstracts V
Report from the Capital   V
Review and Expositor V
Scottish Journal of Theology V
SIM Now   V
Southern Baptist Journal of Theology, The V
Southwestern Journal of Theology V
Southwestern News   V
Torch Trinity Journal V
Westminster Theological Journal, The V

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