《浸神學刊》 2019 第十七期(Taiwan Baptist Christian Seminary Journal 2019 No.17)
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目錄 |
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猶太人-基督徒爭辯中之約拿書 The Book of Jonah in Jewish-Christian Debate Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer |
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從創世記一至四章再思人與土地的關係:一個歸納法的嘗試 Rethinking the Relationship between Human and Land on Genesis 1–4: An Inductive Approach 徐萬麟 Wan-Lin Hsu |
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應用馬丁·布伯的「我與你」和「我與它」態度審視箴言書 一至九章人與智慧之對偶關係 An Application of Martin Buber’s “I-Thou” and “I-It” Attitudes to the Dyad of the Young Man and Wisdom in Proverbs 1–9 阮凱文 Kai-Wen Karen Yuan |
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